Bazı Alacakların Yeniden Yapılandırılması ile Bazı Kanunlarda Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun (“Kanun”) 17 Kasım 2020 tarih ve 31307 sayılı Resmî Gazete’de yayımlandı.
Kanun’un 1. maddesinin 1. fıkrasında kanun hükümlerinin uygulanacağı çeşitli alacaklar, idari para cezaları ve vergi cezaları düzenlenmiştir. 2. fıkrada Kanun kapsamında vergi, gümrük vergileri, beyanname ve Yİ-ÜFE aylık değişim oranlarının tanımları verilmiştir.
A business you are buying or selling, if reorganised for sale, may be less valuable if you do not avoid tax pitfalls. This note highlights the most common pitfalls, including those related to an insolvency. You can avoid most with planning.
Many businesses will now be considering transactions involving corporate reorganisations. They might want to take advantage of market conditions to buy or be considering the sale of business units to refocus strategy. Or they might become involved in an insolvency or reconstruction.
A business you are buying or selling, if reorganised for sale, may be less valuable if you do not avoid tax pitfalls. This note highlights the most common pitfalls, including those related to an insolvency. You can avoid most with planning.
Many businesses will now be considering transactions involving corporate reorganisations. They might want to take advantage of market conditions to buy or be considering the sale of business units to refocus strategy. Or they might become involved in an insolvency or reconstruction.
A business you are buying or selling, if reorganised for sale, may be less valuable if you do not avoid tax pitfalls. This note highlights the most common pitfalls, including those related to an insolvency. You can avoid most with planning.
Many businesses will now be considering transactions involving corporate reorganisations. They might want to take advantage of market conditions to buy or be considering the sale of business units to refocus strategy. Or they might become involved in an insolvency or reconstruction.